Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Work Life 2 !!!

Leadership verses Authority....Wisdom verses Knowledge......
Experienced verses Qualified!
The Spring Chicken
The young chick or stud fresh out of college or just starting on their career path. So they are full of ideas and ready to hit the road running. The tricky thing is the spring chicken in this respect does not have to be young in age. Just young in mind and susceptible to change. Many many many many many many people hate change that they are not in control of. It messes with out homeostasis. Our environment. The spring chicken is a go getter! The spring chicken can be a little flashy which is a major turn off to the Hen; some chickens like the spotlight and some don't. Spring chickens can add spice to the organization! They are usually the hustlers and workers that take a lickin' and keep on tickin'. At times, the spring chicken poses a threat to the Hens. This is not always intentional and not always avoidable. The Hen that feels threatened is the Hen that hates change, does not feel like they are going to be noticed anymore, and quite frankly are the ones who have been faking the funk. Spring chickens have quite a bit to learn and will make several mistakes along the way. Now the one to be watchful for is the wise spring chicken. These are the ones who learn from the mistakes of others and their own simultaneously which keeps their mistakes to a minimum. This is a fierce spring chicken and can do wonders for the organization they work for. There are some cocky spring chickens and they have to be brought down a notch at times, all along they normally realize it is for their own good and take heed. If not, they are on the pathway to being a Hen. Get rid of them quick if you can! So if you have a spring chicken hold on to them dearly, guard them and keep them if the Hens attempt to over throw them.

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